Month: April 2023

The Benefits of Homeschooling: Customized Curriculum, Nurturing Environment, and Real-Life ExperiencesThe Benefits of Homeschooling: Customized Curriculum, Nurturing Environment, and Real-Life Experiences

| 11:41 am

Today I want to share with you some of the benefits of homeschooling your children. I know this is a controversial topic for some people, but I hope you will keep an open mind and hear me out. FYI: I home schooled my kids. Homeschooling is a form of education...

The Benefits of Homesteading for the EnvironmentThe Benefits of Homesteading for the Environment

Homesteading is a lifestyle that involves living more self-sufficiently and sustainably. It can be done in a variety of ways, but it typically involves growing your own food, raising your own animals, and using renewable energy sources. There are many benefits to homesteading for the environment. One of the biggest...

Ep. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your HomesteadEp. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your Homestead

The hosts delve into the history of butter, its industrialization, and the rise of margarine as a substitute. They provide various methods of making butter using raw milk or excess cream, including equipment to use and different types of butter to make. They also highlight the health benefits, including the...

Homesteading as a Sustainable Lifestyle Choice for the FutureHomesteading as a Sustainable Lifestyle Choice for the Future

| 10:03 am

Homesteading has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice in recent years. This movement involves living off the land, producing one’s own food, and being self-sufficient. Not only does homesteading offer personal and financial benefits, but it’s also a sustainable lifestyle choice that benefits the environment. The Benefits of Homesteading for...

Kombucha: The Probiotic Superfood That Every Homesteader NeedsKombucha: The Probiotic Superfood That Every Homesteader Needs

| 7:35 pm

In recent years, Kombucha has gained immense popularity as a natural and healthy beverage that offers numerous health benefits. In this episode of the Homestead podcast, co-hosts Carol and Jamie discuss Kombucha and its benefits, with Jamie sharing her journey of making Kombucha for the past nine years. Kombucha is...