Author: FarmerRich

From Harvest to Homestead: The Art of Preserving and Storing PotatoesFrom Harvest to Homestead: The Art of Preserving and Storing Potatoes

The Art of Preserving and Storing Potatoes

Potatoes are a versatile and essential staple in many homestead kitchens. Whether you’ve cultivated a small garden or a vast plot of land, the satisfaction of harvesting your own potatoes is unmatched. But what do you do when you have more potatoes than you can consume in a short time?...

The Homesteader’s Guide to +15 Delicious Apple Creations: A Taste of American HistoryThe Homesteader’s Guide to +15 Delicious Apple Creations: A Taste of American History

Apple Creations

America’s love affair with apples has deep roots in its history. From the days of early settlers to modern homesteaders, apples have been a versatile and cherished fruit. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 15 mouthwatering apple creations that homesteaders can make, and we’ll sprinkle in some fascinating American history...

Ep. 21 – Fall Gardening Secrets Unveiled: Optimal Timing, Seed Selection, and Using The InternetEp. 21 – Fall Gardening Secrets Unveiled: Optimal Timing, Seed Selection, and Using The Internet

Plan fall garden now. As the summer season begins, many gardeners are focused on planting their crops and enjoying the warm weather. However, it is important to start thinking about fall gardening now in order to ensure a successful harvest. In a recent podcast, Jamie and Carol discussed the importance...

The Benefits of Homesteading for the EnvironmentThe Benefits of Homesteading for the Environment

Homesteading is a lifestyle that involves living more self-sufficiently and sustainably. It can be done in a variety of ways, but it typically involves growing your own food, raising your own animals, and using renewable energy sources. There are many benefits to homesteading for the environment. One of the biggest...

Ep. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your HomesteadEp. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your Homestead

The hosts delve into the history of butter, its industrialization, and the rise of margarine as a substitute. They provide various methods of making butter using raw milk or excess cream, including equipment to use and different types of butter to make. They also highlight the health benefits, including the...