Category: News

The Healthier Homestead Kitchen: Why You Should Avoid Aluminum Cookware and UtensilsThe Healthier Homestead Kitchen: Why You Should Avoid Aluminum Cookware and Utensils

toxic free cookware

Homesteading is all about self-sufficiency, sustainability, and making choices that promote the well-being of your family and the environment. It’s a lifestyle that encourages us to grow our own food, raise animals, and reduce our reliance on commercial products. Yet, there’s one aspect of homesteading that often gets overlooked—the cookware...

Homemade Bone Broth: A Delicious and Nutritious Recipe for the HomesteadHomemade Bone Broth: A Delicious and Nutritious Recipe for the Homestead

bone broth

Introduction: On a homestead, the connection to the land and the animals that inhabit it is profound. One beautiful way to honor this connection and make the most of every resource is by crafting homemade bone broth. This versatile elixir, rich in flavor and nutrients, not only enhances your culinary...

Planting a Legacy: The Timeless Gift of Fruit Trees and Starting a Small OrchardPlanting a Legacy: The Timeless Gift of Fruit Trees and Starting a Small Orchard

In a world marked by fleeting trends and disposable commodities, there’s something profoundly beautiful about gifts that endure through generations. One such timeless and sustainable gift is the humble fruit tree. Bestowing the gift of a fruit tree isn’t merely an act of generosity; it’s the planting of a legacy,...

The Benefits of Homeschooling: Customized Curriculum, Nurturing Environment, and Real-Life ExperiencesThe Benefits of Homeschooling: Customized Curriculum, Nurturing Environment, and Real-Life Experiences

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Today I want to share with you some of the benefits of homeschooling your children. I know this is a controversial topic for some people, but I hope you will keep an open mind and hear me out. FYI: I home schooled my kids. Homeschooling is a form of education...

Ep. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your HomesteadEp. 16 – From Cow to Butter: Making Raw Milk Butter on Your Homestead

The hosts delve into the history of butter, its industrialization, and the rise of margarine as a substitute. They provide various methods of making butter using raw milk or excess cream, including equipment to use and different types of butter to make. They also highlight the health benefits, including the...