Category: Homesteading

The Healthier Homestead Kitchen: Why You Should Avoid Aluminum Cookware and UtensilsThe Healthier Homestead Kitchen: Why You Should Avoid Aluminum Cookware and Utensils

toxic free cookware

Homesteading is all about self-sufficiency, sustainability, and making choices that promote the well-being of your family and the environment. It’s a lifestyle that encourages us to grow our own food, raise animals, and reduce our reliance on commercial products. Yet, there’s one aspect of homesteading that often gets overlooked—the cookware...

Homemade Bone Broth: A Delicious and Nutritious Recipe for the HomesteadHomemade Bone Broth: A Delicious and Nutritious Recipe for the Homestead

bone broth

Introduction: On a homestead, the connection to the land and the animals that inhabit it is profound. One beautiful way to honor this connection and make the most of every resource is by crafting homemade bone broth. This versatile elixir, rich in flavor and nutrients, not only enhances your culinary...

The Homesteader’s Guide to +15 Delicious Apple Creations: A Taste of American HistoryThe Homesteader’s Guide to +15 Delicious Apple Creations: A Taste of American History

Apple Creations

America’s love affair with apples has deep roots in its history. From the days of early settlers to modern homesteaders, apples have been a versatile and cherished fruit. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 15 mouthwatering apple creations that homesteaders can make, and we’ll sprinkle in some fascinating American history...

Breathing Easy: Harnessing the Power of Mullein Tea for Respiratory HealthBreathing Easy: Harnessing the Power of Mullein Tea for Respiratory Health

Mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum thapsus, is a versatile herb that has been used for centuries to address various respiratory issues. Mullein Tea for Lung Health: Mullein leaves are commonly used to make soothing and beneficial herbal tea. Here’s how you can prepare mullein tea: Benefits of Mullein Tea for...

Planting a Legacy: The Timeless Gift of Fruit Trees and Starting a Small OrchardPlanting a Legacy: The Timeless Gift of Fruit Trees and Starting a Small Orchard

In a world marked by fleeting trends and disposable commodities, there’s something profoundly beautiful about gifts that endure through generations. One such timeless and sustainable gift is the humble fruit tree. Bestowing the gift of a fruit tree isn’t merely an act of generosity; it’s the planting of a legacy,...

Ep. 21 – Fall Gardening Secrets Unveiled: Optimal Timing, Seed Selection, and Using The InternetEp. 21 – Fall Gardening Secrets Unveiled: Optimal Timing, Seed Selection, and Using The Internet

Plan fall garden now. As the summer season begins, many gardeners are focused on planting their crops and enjoying the warm weather. However, it is important to start thinking about fall gardening now in order to ensure a successful harvest. In a recent podcast, Jamie and Carol discussed the importance...

Exploring the Delights of Asparagus: A Versatile Veggie for Every PlateExploring the Delights of Asparagus: A Versatile Veggie for Every Plate

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Asparagus, the delightful and nutritious vegetable, has captured the hearts and taste buds of food enthusiasts around the globe. With its vibrant colors and unique flavor profiles, this versatile veggie is not only a culinary delight but also packs a nutritional punch. Let’s dive into the world of asparagus and...